
Evoke the creation of the pinnacle of Spanish gastronomy: the potato omelette.
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8-bit survival shoot em' up. Collect cards to modify stats and break the game.
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Delete whatever you want from this game. Good luck trying to play it, though.
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Mixiko the cat has broken a bottle full of spirits - recover as many as you can before they consume you!
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Shape in the sky the legend of Azafea, the woman who earned her place among the stars.
Interactive Fiction
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Supera a tus demonios con palabras más afiladas que las espadas
Interactive Fiction
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Crea tus propias aleluyas, completa las del jugador anterior. Cada build del juego cuenta una historia diferente.
Interactive Fiction
¿Y si fueses tú quien controlase los el destino de la monarquía? ¿Evitarías su destrucción?
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Fight against your friends. Use different weapons. Local multiplayer - 2 players.
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Escape room located in a soviet submarine.